
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Last breath

If I could I would hold September in my hand.... 
Not sure If I am quite ready for October.... 
It is going to be the longest month of the year..... is simply because.....
On this very month, my heart was broken....
....I felt lost...disconnected...dissociated...
Some late nights....just me and the memory
Tears join sometimes....dreams follow afterwards...
I still remember that so shocking phone call from my Mom...
......half way around the world.....
I could hear the silence of sadness in her voice
...saying that my late Daddy fell off the house.....
.......injured severely and was hospitalized...... was 1st day of October 2012....
......On the 2nd day, he had surgery.....
He passed away on the 3rd day of this bitter month of October.
Buried him on the 4th and we are grieving ever since.
....So long, he's gone......

Rest in Peace pa Con Iap (53)

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