
Monday, October 13, 2014

Prayer & God's timing - Mai Esther Dimte (HLD)

When my father was hospitalized from his accident on October 1, 2012 I prayed all night long for miracle but my prayer was not answered in the way I wanted. In fact, it was answered in a different way. As a result, my father’s wound could not been healed. Instead of keeping him alive, God took him away from us on October 3rd, 2012. I am still questioning as I move forward to deepening my spiritual journey. 

Last year during the summer, I packed up all my personal belongings and sorted them in individual boxes. I packed all my text books in one box so that if I had to go back home, I would be able to ship them before I leave. I packed all my clothes in separate bags and gave away a lot of them since I was not sure if I could stay past the summer. And so my limited time in America had come closer to an end but I still did not give up on praying. I took the trip to seven states as I said goodbye to friends. I had exactly two days before I knew for sure if I could go to graduate school. If not, I had three weeks to leave the country. On August 5, 2013 I fasted and prayed as it was my last chance. When I received the phone call, I was literally crying with happy tears and jumping excitedly. I could not be happier. Yes, I got to go to graduate school. Yes, I got to study Social Work. And most importantly, my prayer had been answered.
Why didn't God answer my all night long prayer two years ago? I learned that God answers what is best for his people. It was better that my father went home with God instead of suffering from his injury.

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