
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

God Has a Better Plan for His Children - Robert Siang Lian Thang

Let us start looking for our future which God has planed for us. It is true that when I looking back my past, what I found is failures and mistake and I believe we all experience failure and make mistake. In fact, successful people have more failure in their lives than average people do. Even in the Bible, great people throughout the history have all failed at some point. But the question is How do we respond to our failure and mistake ?

I believe the best way to go on after a failure and mistake is to learn the lesson and forget the details. That is the key to being free from the stranglehold of past failure and mistake. If we don't we will become like the scalded dog that fears hot water and afterward, fear cold as well. The less developed the person, the longer he hold on to past failures and mistake. I still remember the words of my aunty (Daw shirley Cing ) "God never sees as failures. He only sees us as learner." We need to remember that the call is higher than the fall. If we look back too much we will soon be heading that way. Evangelist Mike Murdock said "stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you can be." Consider the words of the Apostle Paul, "Forgetting those thing which are behind and reaching forward to those things which ahead." We are more likely to make mistake when we act only on past experiences. My Professor used to says "the past is always going to be the way it was. Stop trying to change it. Your future contains more happiness than any past you can remember. Believe that the best is yet to come." Carl Bard Scottish religious leader says " Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." I agree with Thomas Jefferson when he said "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past." When we are depressed we will find that it is because we are living in the past." That's why Laura Palmer advice "Don't waste today regretting yesterday instead of making a memory for tomorrow." David Mcnally reminded us "Your past cannot be changed but you can change tomorrow by your action today." I remember what my Daddy (Rev.Ni luai) said "Son..Don't look back! Because God has a better plan then yesterday." Living in the past is lonely business that's why inventor Charle Kettering put it this way "You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time." 

Let me conclude with this "Our past doesn't equal with our future." Our God is a good God and Always he has the best and better plan for His children. May the Lord help us to seek His great plan for our future in this New year! May the loving God help us to take into our heart.. Amen

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